This is a Post about the Highwomen

It’s Saturday, which I mention only to contextualize my reason for writing this post: so far, I am having a scientifically perfect weekend, so much so that I felt compelled to write about it.

The last few weeks have been tough, which you’d know if you found my sneaky little post from Sept. 9. I didn’t even share a link to that one because it felt like such a puny little whiny bug of a post.

Anyway, back to my weekend.

Yesterday I drove out to central Wisconsin because my former professor and mentor asked me to speak on a panel about editing and publishing as part of the Young Writers Conference and Central Wisconsin Book Festival. I listened to One Direction the whole drive there and thought I’d lose my voice from howling along at top volume. Once in town, I got to reconnect with my mentor and other friends from the area and talk about books, which I was reminded I love just about more than anything else.

My mentor brought me a loaf of bread from my favorite bakery in my college town, and told me it was sliced by a young lady I hardly know from college and nonetheless adore. While we caught up and talked shop, I recognized a new confidence in myself, although my mentor joked I was funnier on Twitter when I was working retail and fully miserable. It’s one thing to talk about what you love, but it’s quite another to talk about what you love in the context of your job. Every day I pause to think about how lucky I am.

By the time I got home it was dark and I was buzzing with nerd energy and despite my pleading nobody would meet me for a drink to talk about books. So I got into a bottle of four-dollar wine from Trader Joe’s, washed dishes with my headphones blasting my favorite playlist, and danced around my apartment feeling silly and light. Evidently, just a glass of four-dollar wine will get you—maybe just me—positively drunk, and so I feel asleep by 10:00.

I woke up late this morning with the sun on my face. I feel guilty about sleeping in late usually, but it was Saturday and being curled up in my blankets with the window cracked to the early fall breeze was perfection. Eventually I got up and made myself coffee and pumpkin spice pancakes, which were divine. At this time of year everything is turning candy-colored, and I want to eat everything pumpkin spice and butternut squash and corn and leafy and warm.

Over breakfast I watched the last episode of season two of Fleabag—a perfect show, and a perfect episode, by the way—and had a little cry about it. Then I hunkered down on the living room floor and got some work done and wrote a letter to my pen pal, who, this week, signed off with “take care of you and yours.” He’s 4/4 on telling me precisely what I need to hear, and in my last letter I told him so. I think that tickled him a bit. I love writing letters. Write me a letter!

This afternoon when I finally brushed my teeth and got dressed—a fall-colored sweater and my grandpa’s tattered Levis, an outfit full of physical and emotional comfort—I headed out of town and called my mom.

We had a nice talk, and were talking longer than I planned as I spilled about the problems weighing on me and felt relieved as I confided in her. I haven’t done that in a long time. I think she liked to be confided in again. When we got off the phone I tried on two sweaters and even took a photo of myself in a green one because I’m trying very hard lately to look at myself and be grateful for being able-bodied and being alive and honoring my big nose and my funny smile and my tall legs because life is short and I’m not doing myself or anyone else any favors by hating myself.

En route to get groceries I missed my exit and took an alternate route on county roads with my windows down and The Highwomen playing loudly and the epiphany of the perfect day I had on my hands.

I listened to the song “Old Soul” by The Highwomen four times before I finally let the next song have its time and missed another turn as I listened. I kept going back to the chorus:

“Oh to be a wild child for a day

All the promises I’ve ever kept

I’d line ‘em up to break

Oh to be a dancer on the edge

I’d rip the filter from my mouth

And all my cigarettes

But I know I won’t

I guess I was born an old soul.”

How’d they get in my head like that?  Lately my skin has felt a little itchy, like the dust on my old soul has built up and needs to be shaken off. I feel like getting in my car and driving to a cabin in the woods and reading and writing in solitude for a month, and I feel like going to a dive bar alone where I don’t know anyone and listening to a crappy band play for a couple hours. I feel like going home and hugging my family. I feel like going to my hometown and returning to my favorite spot to be alone and screaming into the cornfield there until I go hoarse. I feel like taking up smoking and changing my name.

The Highwomen also have a song called “If She Ever Leaves Me” that’s a lesbian cowboy anthem about love and heartbreak and about how if you listen enough times you’ll fall in love with Brandi Carlile. This Highwomen project is so special. It makes me feel like a woman, like Shania Twain, naughty and pretty and strong and authentic. They make me feel like addressing openly the part of myself that feels queer, that may never manifest in a relationship with a woman or non-binary person but which has been thumping in my chest for a long time and has stayed hidden by shame and by feeling as though it doesn’t matter, not really, for a cis woman in a straight relationship to “come out” or identify as queer or even acknowledge it. And it’s not brave or interesting for me to do so, but it feels like something I’ve all but said aloud and when I catch myself wondering why it seems very silly. So maybe it’s a little bit scary to speak it out into the world, but everyone I care about already knows, at least a little bit, probably, and so what does it matter? It’s another exercise in rejecting shame.

Even as I was thinking all this driving along back roads in Minnesota I was thinking about what a beautiful day it was and how happy I am to know that, though things are difficult now, I am doing right by myself by choosing to ask for what I want and need and being kind to myself.

It’s sixty degrees and the sun is shining enough to warm my bones. Tomorrow, it’ll be cool and rainy. The flowers I bought myself at the grocery store smell like life and I have apples and pears in the fridge crisper to make something warm and gooey and sweet. I have a stack of books up to my ears to read, all poised to break my heart and kiss my bruises.

I’m doing alright.


This is a Post about Who Knows What

I haven’t written a long post in quite a while and in that good long while I’ve been trying to figure out why I feel like I don’t have anything to say. Pretty consistently the first few months of this blog endeavor I had a great many opinions and plenty of words to get them out to whoever might read them but now I feel like I’m coming up short.

Fall is kind of a funny time for me. Maybe for other people, too. It’s my favorite season, limited though it is. The Midwest will come ablaze with autumnal colors over the next several weeks and it’ll feel as though maybe the long miserable winter to come will be worth it for this fleeting view.

The body remembers trauma even when the brain tries to suppress it. Saturday night I had dream after dream of my mom treating me cruelly in a number of ways, seemingly out of nowhere. We visited over Labor Day weekend and had a nice time; I have no reason to feel jilted. But the five-year anniversary of my assault and all the things that fell apart in the aftermath—including the 2016 election—is coming up and so maybe the tension in my muscles is my body and my brain bracing against it.

I haven’t felt quite like myself for the last few weeks. I’m not exactly in a depressive episode but I’m not not depressed. Again, it’s like my brain is telling me it’s gearing up for a Big Bad One and it’ll be ready when I finally succumb. I feel overdue for a rough patch but maybe that’s just because the last few months have been good after nearly half a dozen very rough years.

(In the spirit of full disclosure: I had a whole entire emotional breakdown a few hours after writing this post. Like, cried so hard I got a nosebleed. Anyway.)

Another indicator I’m not quite right: I got a new tattoo and forgot to mention it to my partner. We woke up Saturday and he said, “Did you get a tattoo?” Huh. Not really a huge deal, but maybe a sign I have been distracted.

Anyway, I love fall but it doesn’t love me back and so I’m having a hard time focusing on anything but the sense of inevitable dread like bile in the back of my throat.

It’s back-to-school season, which means my partner is starting his second year of teaching and I am two years out separated from first-day-of-school jitters. I miss it a lot. I keep in touch with professors and friends from college but of course it’s not the same. I suppose I felt like as long as I was on campus I was not totally a grown-up yet and was still free to be angsty and make mistakes or whatever. School is kind of like a security net for someone who always enjoyed being there.

I have a couple small comforts, which is not to discount the constant big ones but to acknowledge the few good things that come with fall. We have cooler weather which means I can wrap myself in soft blankets and cozy sweaters and clean sheets straight from the dryer which is a kind of comfort I don’t think anyone ever outgrows. Being able to drink hot coffee again without overheating helps, too.

I’ve also been reading more again, which isn’t something I ever really stopped doing, but I go through spurts like I imagine most people do. I’ve had the same two books sitting on the coffee table, half-read, all summer, with little desire to get back into them. I like them both—Watchmen by Alan Moore and This Bridge Called My Back ed. Cherrie L. Moraga—but anything I don’t zoom through from the get-go is hard to get back into. I don’t like reading to feel like a chore, and pushing through a book like it’s an obligation rather than a treat is no fun. I’ll revisit them someday, I’m sure.

But what I have been reading has re-energized me, so thank goodness for that. For those curious:

An Orphanage of Dreams by Sam Savage

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

An American Marriage by Tayari Jones

I even had a successful trip to the bookstore this weekend. And for book people, it’s almost impossible to have a bad trip to the bookstore, but having felt crummy and uninspired by what was already on my shelves at home, I really needed a win. A bookstore is a good place to get one. I picked up three books on my miles-long list that I hope will help me maintain this fresh momentum:

Little Weirds by Jenny Slate (out in November)

The Word for Woman is Wilderness by Abi Andrews

On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong

Another new development: I have a pen pal. I grew up writing other kids from all over the world and enjoyed it immensely. As an adult I never really had an outlet to scratch that itch until I was reminded of programs designed to pair people who are incarcerated with pen pals on the “outside” or refugees and asylum-seekers who could use kind words.  I researched a few different programs and was eventually paired with a man who is incarcerated in Texas. In his first letter to me, tapped out on a typewriter, he closed with “Take care of yourself, will you please,” which I didn’t know I needed to hear but which jostled something in my chest. I suppose it’s a reminder we can all use, whether we’re feeling shitty or not.

I promised myself I wouldn’t post a blog entry for the sake of posting and that I’d let the blog die when I ran out of material. I don’t know how people spend years and years blogging, but I admire the commitment. I feel like I’m already starting to repeat myself, and I can’t imagine reading week after week about feeling defeated by the world and mental illness is fun for anyone. This isn’t to say that I’m quitting blogging—please don’t let me get away with being dramatic about it when that inevitably happens—but to say I’m feeling a little stuck. Mentally and emotionally congested, maybe. Leave your fair-trade, cruelty-free, homeopathic remedies below.

Take care of yourself, will you please.


This is a Post about Baby Fat

My mom used to tell me that as a baby she had a hard time getting me to nap. When all else failed, she’d load me into the backseat of the car and drive around until I zonked out.

Driving home today I realized the same thing is still true, and it made me wonder whether things like that carry over a lifetime. 

I’ve never been a napper, not even in college when I was supposed to have picked up a penchant for it. I only ever really nap when I’m really sick, but under the right circumstances I catch myself dozing off in the car (as a passenger!)

There’s a scar on the top of my right foot and nobody knows where it came from, even though I’ve had it as long as I remember. The same goes for the scar on the inside of my left pinky finger. I like the idea that mystery scars and birthmarks—I have the remnants of a raspberry on my left shoulder—are wounds from a past life. If there’s any truth to it, in my past life I got into the world’s strangest scuffles.

The older I get the more false memories I figure out, like the one where the bus crash in Simon Birch actually happened to me in the woods near my grandparents’ house.

As a kid I had a lot of imaginary friends, too, who I would walk home with from the bus stop and tell all about my family and my dogs and my school, where they were the new student. I wonder if imaginary friends and false memories and mystery scars and déjà vu all intersect on some plane where they come together meaningfully. Do kids still have imaginary friends? Is it a symptom of loneliness or a normal imaginative exercise?

Something anxious people joke about online is playing out “what ifs” in their heads at the worst possible times, like when we’re exhausted and trying desperately to fall asleep or we’re at work and have a deadline in an hour or something. Is this another iteration of imaginary friendships, this exercise in mental gymnastics of imagining if I said this clever or stupid thing to my friend or family member or colleague maybe things might be different or better or worse and oh god why didn’t I think of that superb comeback when someone said that shitty thing to me eight months ago? Anyone? Bueller?

I guess what I’m getting at is that I live in my head, like, a lot. And maybe that’s not a bad thing, but it’s an anxious thing. As a “writer”, when I decide I am one again after months and months of not bothering to try, sometimes I think if I write a short story or micro-fiction I can get it all out of my system, like maybe putting it in kind-of-nice words will get it out of my stupid brain and make it just some other story. Maybe those imaginary friendships I wish I had, even in adulthood, can exist and comfort me in fiction. Maybe not.

Was I just a super anxious baby and now I’m a super anxious adult baby? An anxious 23-year-old-infant who feels thirty? What could be worse?

Growing up—which, yes, I’m absolutely still doing—the concept of baby fat followed me around for years beyond the normal limits of what’s considered baby fat. I have a fast metabolism, I was a really active kid and teenager, and I have always been what doctors consider a “healthy” weight. Being tall helps. But eastern European women are built, as Lucy Dacus croons perfectly, “all soft shapes and lines / shape-shifting all the time.” I inevitably inherited the Polish baby-bearing hips and the broad, strong (lol) shoulders and the big feet and the tendency to carry weight in my trunk. Add onto that the luck of being tall and I look much like a goofy misshapen pear.

The women in my family have struggled my whole entire life with body image. Very openly. Very loudly. Very emotionally. The men in my family are lean and strong and unconcerned with how they look because, one, media doesn’t dictate that they should and, two, they get the job done. The powers that be cast me somewhere in between that lean and strong silhouette and the softer feminine one and so I have a whole host of body image issues where my upbringing and my feminist mentality are at odds.

Being a thin, white woman bitching about boy image is nothing new and not interesting or radical but in many ways, for me at least, it ties into my Midwestern identity and my issues with my family and with myself. It has always been a part of me. Watching my mom and grandma and aunt yo-yo diet my entire life was sure to lead to some kind of mental turmoil, given my cool genetics, right?

There was a summer in high school where I’d eat a shitload of ice cream everyday—not, like, a binge, I don’t think, but probably not a great idea for anyone—and obsessively weigh myself. I never purged or anything, and I don’t think I necessarily worked out any harder as a result of what showed up on the scale, but I knew as I did it something was wrong. I was a cheerleader in high school, so I burned off all the calories I ate and was strong and my body looked good and I had a mostly healthy relationship with my body, except that summer was probably after I was injured and couldn’t compete in the winter and felt terrible all the time.

My siblings were small when I was in high school and so I took them to the beach often—the one I wrote about in RIVRGRL—and when it was an especially hot weekend my mom and aunt might come along too. I have a visceral memory of sitting on beach towels with them, people watching, and listening them comment on which women were wearing swimsuits they “shouldn’t be wearing”. And it wasn’t really malicious, I think, not intentionally at least, but a defensive reflex that said, “I hate my body, but at least I know I should be ashamed of it and hide it even when it’s 90 degrees out.”

It broke my heart and pissed me off, like most things do.

By this point I was coming into my own as a young woman and a feminist and I remember asking, “Who cares? Who gives a shit? What are you doing?” And I think it made them feel bad, but the nasty comments stopped for that day, at least. A small victory.

So much of my experience of womanhood has been centered around my body and what it looks like and feels like and how it compares to others’ and a deep hatred for traditional exercise to complicate the whole thing. It has been defensively, at eleven or twelve years old, insisting the skin—not fat!—I could pinch around my middle was just “baby fat”. It has been, in high school, wondering seriously if I was experiencing my weight in a disordered way and whether it counted as body dysmorphia. It has been, in college, looking back on cheerleading pictures and gazing at what my legs once looked like, long and lean and strong.

Now, it’s being very conscious about the way I speak to my siblings, who have both been coerced to diet. It’s looking at myself before I get in the shower and not cringing because, even if I want to, I know it’s not doing me any favors. It’s ignoring the imaginary notion that I should be ashamed of how I look because…what? Looking a certain way is good or bad depending on what the media says? Trying to look at my body and see a functional organism that lets me swim and ride a bike and cook and whatever else is a conscious effort constantly at odds with my reflex to pinch my “baby fat” and step on the scale and look at pictures of celebrities and wonder if maybe I ate more spinach I might look more like that. I fucking hate spinach! Whenever I get stupid enough to buy some, it always goes bad before I can eat it!

I look absurd in jumpsuits because I’m little-ish on top and weirdly wide on the bottom, and I need to learn to not give a shit. If I want to wear one—if I’m being honest with myself, I don’t, because imagine the potential for poop emergencies in one of those things—I can and I should. My body is my body and although I don’t necessarily have to be proud of it or whatever, I can’t punish myself for the way my bones and muscles, configured from my family members way way back in the old country and having to, like, squat and milk goats or whatever, look now in the 21st century. It’s stupid. Who cares?

I suppose this is all to say that I started writing and things got buckwild again because all the weird shit I thought when I was a kid rooted itself deep in my brain and has bloomed in stupid, meaningless anxieties in adulthood. Fun! Your body is good. It’s doing its best. The lumps and bumps and stretch marks—or lack thereof—are good because they’re yours. You’re, like, super hot, if we’re being honest here. And I’m not being corny. It’s the truth.

It’s your body and it’s a good one. Go jump in a puddle or something.


Recommended listening/ reading/watching for “This is a Post about Baby Fat”:

“Shrill” on Hulu (based on Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman by Lindy West

“My Mother & I” by Lucy Dacus

“Juice” and “Tempo” by Lizzo

“Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon” by Patty Lovell

Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson

“Here’s the Thing: Body Dysmorphia is the Worst” by Sophia Benoit

This is a Post about Self-Sabotage

Every six months or so a list of the “20 Drunkest Cities in America” makes the rounds and every six months I am overcome by anger and sadness over it.

It’s posed as a joke, and shared as a source of pride. Most of the cities are in Wisconsin, and all but one is in the Midwest. The city I use to explain where I’m from is on the list. I don’t know how accurate it is, if it’s based on any evidence at all, or where it came from, but outlets like Barstool Sports love to share it over and over again among the other asinine content they post.

People from my high school—and plenty from college, too—love this stuff, wear it as a badge of honor.

Maybe it’s because I’m a curmudgeon or maybe it’s because I’ve been forced to get to know all the worst parts of myself, but I can’t help but wish for a little more self-awareness. When I think of the Midwest, I think of all the idiosyncrasies that make it special, but also the complicated bits that make it, like any other region, unique. And I think it’s the complicated stuff that bears mentioning here.

The Midwest has a lot of fun nicknames: the Bible Belt, the flyover states, America’s Heartland, the Breadbasket, the Grain Belt, Middle America. They all conjure imagery of charmingly dopey farmers, too nice and very simple and maybe even a little primitive in nature (and totally ignorant of the skill and knowledge it takes to farm successfully). Those nicknames gloss over the sociopolitical and metaphysical complexity that makes the Midwest just like any other region of the world, and I think that does us a great disservice.

In Watchmen, there’s a passage from Hollis Mason’s book about his childhood in Montana. And although Montana is more West than Middle, I think the observation applies.

One of the things that [my grandfather] took great pains to impress upon me was that country folk were morally healthier than city folk and that cities were just cesspools into which all the world’s dishonesty and greed and lust and godlessness drained and was left to fester unhindered. Obviously, as I got older and came to realize just how much drunkenness and domestic violence and child abuse was hidden behind the neighborly façade of some of those lonely Montana farmhouses, I understood that my grandfather’s appraisal had been a little one-sided.

I wanna talk about climate.

Everyone knows people who live near the North Pole suffer through stretches of time where there’s nothing but darkness, day and night, and that wreaks havoc on their mental health. The same is true, to an extent, for people who endure long, harsh winters. As far as I can tell, seasonal depression is as common an undiagnosed epidemic as anxiety. There were days last winter where my partner and I were physically confined to our home, either because it was dangerously cold outside or the snow was up to our waists. For nearly a full week school was cancelled and I was working very few hours, so we sat in the apartment and went stir crazy while plows tried to clean things up and the sun fought to warm us a little. It was miserable. It was easily the hardest winter of my life, and we didn’t even get the worst of it.

When the sun finally came out in the spring, even thirty degrees felt like a gift. When we got an April blizzard just like the one that crippled us the year before, I thought I might have a serious mental break. I couldn’t stand to look out at the gray skies and filthy snow anymore. I hated feeling like every time I got in my car I might skid out of control into oncoming traffic.

Then, when we were finally in the clear, all that snow and ice meant disastrous flooding, wiping away any relief some people had because they spent all spring bailing water out their basements and fighting with insurance companies and incurring debt over the whole thing.

To my mind, there’s no way people can go through this cycle year after year—and generation after generation, the weather becoming more extreme as time goes on—and not suffer some kind of blow to their mental health. Add onto that the financial stress of property damage—or even medical bills to treat depression!—and you’ve got yourself a solid eight months of misery. I’ve been on antidepressants for years, so I can’t imagine how shitty I’d have felt without that extra serotonin to help me out.

I wanna talk about vice.

So the mental health thing is a factor, for sure. And when it goes untreated, or even when treated, it very often leads to self-medication of some destructive kind or another. For a lot of people it’s drinking. It warms the bones when it’s cold out and it dulls the sharp edges of stress and it makes you just hazy enough to feel good or maybe not feel anything at all. It’s an escape from what’s shitty. And on top of that, it’s addictive, so it feeds into a cycle of financial and mental health and physical health and employment problems. Do you see where I’m going with this?

It’s not always drinking, of course. A lot of people gamble, especially since the Midwest is home to a ton of different indigenous groups whose main source of income comes through casinos. (I don’t even have the time or knowledge to touch on the ways indigenous peoples suffer here in the Midwest and all over the world.) So gambling feeds into those financial and mental health problems and the escapism that so quickly becomes destructive to people who don’t know how to or simply don’t want to address how they feel.

Then there’s the opioid crisis, which plagues people all over the place regardless of race or status or creed. Addiction doesn’t discriminate, but especially in places lacking in resources, it runs rampant.

I wanna talk about agribusiness.

The Breadbasket and America’s Dairyland have changed dramatically and in such a way that has left family farms decimated by corporate buyouts or the struggle to compete with huge agribusinesses. John Steinbeck wrote whole novels about how the corporatization of agriculture ruined the people and the land where he grew up in California, and the same is true here in the Midwest.

Similarly, the once booming automotive industry in Michigan is now just starting to recover from economic collapse, and paper mills across the Midwest and Canada are shuttering rapidly. Logging and mining in the Upper Peninsula, once driving the economy, have all but disappeared and left sad, lonely towns in their wake.

I’d be foolish to act like any of these industries could have gone on as they were into the 21st century without any repercussions. We know now that clear-cutting entire forests is disastrous, and that mining is wildly dangerous and unsustainable, anyway. But where once generations lived and died and raised their families around these industries, they’re now left with nothing. The work has been shopped out overseas because it’s cheaper, or to South America where our government seems to think we have the right to exploit resources. What once sustained millions of families has both drained our region of resources and left families on their asses. Whether it’s the result of a lack of foresight or unchecked greed or both, it’s the reality here, and you can still see it in hundreds of ghost towns across the Midwest that were once bright and thriving.

I wanna talk about the sociopolitical divide.

It’s nothing new, although sometimes it feels like folks are more emboldened now than ever before. The Midwest is funny because it’s full of blue-collar, hard-working people who just want to be treated “fairly” and take ownership of what’s theirs, but who have been so brutalized by politicians that they’re left pointing fingers at each other. When once the democratic party was that of the working man, the idea of liberty and justice for all—yes, all—seems to have become too radical for a lot of Midwesterners.

And I hate it, but I get it on a level that I think comes from understanding the Midwest very deeply.

I wanna talk about resources.

By now you’ve seen the maps Turning Point USA has shared about the Electoral College. In an attempt to explain why the Electoral College is good, the maps actually do a terrific job of illustrating why it makes no fucking sense. Anyway, the idea is that boatloads of people live on the east and west coast in tiny little geographical sections of the US, while a similar number of people are spread over the Midwest and the plains and everywhere that’s not New York and LA. Because all the largest, most profitable industries are in those coastal cities, that’s where all the wealth and resources are amassed, leaving the majority of Americans with little to nothing.

Certainly, big metropolitan areas have their fair share of resource problems, but the idea is that the resources are there, just inequitably shared. That’s true for the country as a whole, except instead of a neighborhood plagued by poverty and teeming with gentrification, it’s whole enormous states full of people struggling to get by because their industries have been sold out for cheap labor and nobody wants to move to and invest in those places.

America has, like, shitloads of money. For the most part, all the top universities are on the coasts, Ivy Leagues full of people whose families have had shitloads of money for generations and generations, and have given shitloads of money to very wealthy Ivy League and companies schools for generations and generations, where those resources are needed least. And for generations and generations, Ivy League grads have started hedge funds and tech and online shopping companies that make shitloads of money off the backs of working people and redistribute next to none of the wealth to said working people. Then those hedge fund and tech company owners give their money to the political candidates who make it possible for them to keep paying pennies for the labor that made them exorbitantly wealthy while also not paying taxes to see that their laborers can, like, go to a doctor. See the problem here?

And the problem here, aside from all the exploitation, is that these working people can’t just leave and find a better job. They work these jobs because they pay the best, even if the best isn’t a livable wage. They have kids to feed and bills to pay and, for many, cannot risk going somewhere they’d be treated less shitty for lower pay. And it isn’t because they’re not smart or because they made bad decisions—it’s because some jackass born in Connecticut wants another boat and has zero fucking humanity. This business practice of employing desperate people and keeping them desperate ensures that those people’s families for generations and generations will never be able to challenge jackasses from Connecticut. It all but guarantees that a factory worker will not be able to afford to send her child to college, so that child will spend his life earning minimum wage doing jobs that are considered “unskilled” because he doesn’t have a degree, and the same will probably happen to his children. So, no, the promise of jobs, like the ones Foxconn was supposed to bring Wisconsin, is not enough.

I wanna talk about fear.

When basically nobody has a pot to piss in and everyone is working themselves to the bone and the majority of us are suffering from mental illness and addictions as a result, it’s no wonder we start feeling shitty about ourselves and others. When the problem is really with bosses paying low wages and offering terrible medical benefits to save money for themselves, people start to look at their peers and wonder why they’re doing a little better than themselves even though they’re in the same situation. Instead of asking, “Why is my boss allowed to pay me pennies?” people find themselves asking, “Why does my neighbor get food stamps but not me?”

It becomes a matter of pride. We come from generations of mostly eastern European farmers and peasants who probably came to America in hopes of a “better life” for their families. And coming from war-torn countries and backbreaking work, they passed along the ailments of hardship: depression, anxiety, addiction, pride, intergenerational trauma. The American myth of pulling oneself up by one’s bootstraps and working to make the life you desire is just that: a myth. And the inequity is not among our peers, but at the top. Somehow, many Midwesterners fail to see it. I think they would rather believe their neighbors are liars than cheaters than believe that they have been manipulated by people in power.

And so we’re left with this concoction of bitterness where we can’t say “I’m sorry” or “I need help” or “I was wrong.” This is where it’s gotten us, but still nobody seems willing to try something different. Something’s gotta give. We’re suffering by our own hand, while the shithead president gets to go on television or Twitter while he’s pulling the strings on our arms and ask, “Why are you hitting yourself?”

Because, as you may have noticed, my writing is often influenced by my reading, I’m going to start including some recommended reading with my posts. Take a peek at previous posts for my reading recommendations. For this week, check these out:

Recommended reading for “This is a Post about Self-Sabotage”:

Tell Me How it Ends: An Essay in 40 Questions by Valeria Luiselli

Watchmen by Alan Moore

“When people say, ‘we have made it through worse before’” by Clint Smith

“The Harvest Gypsies” by John Steinbeck

Idaho by Emily Ruskovich

This is a Post about Identity

If you haven’t already heard, today is the first day of my new Big Girl Job. I wasn’t sure how to write about this because, aside from it being exciting news, I don’t have much to say yet. But then I had a tiny little epiphany and a blog post came to me.

In the midst of signing my formal acceptance and consenting to a background check and all the standard stuff, the hiring manager asked which first initial I wanted to use for my company email address, A for Alexis or L for Lexie. Professionally and academically, across the board, I’ve always gone by Alexis, although I grew up with everyone calling me Lexie. (Although I bristled in high school whenever anyone less than a best friend shortened “Lexie” to “Lex”.)

As an adult it seemed like it was time to shed my childhood nickname in favor of my legal name, which I guess I think sounds more professional. It always felt impersonal and foreign to hear people call me by my given name, but eventually most people got around to calling me Lexie anyway when we got to know each other well enough. Y’know…how nicknames work.

At my job in retail, I used Alexis as a defense mechanism, purposefully impersonal because I didn’t plan to stick around long. Go figure, the longer I was there, the more people started calling me Lexie. It kind of felt like that meant I’d been there too long, but really it just meant I was making friends. Not that serious, dummy. But that’s how I felt, and this job offer came at just the right time to get me out of a place I never planned to become familiar.

Even if I don’t stay at this job for my entire career, I feel so lucky to have found what feels like the perfect place to start. It’s a nonprofit, so the people working there are doing it for the love of the job, not to make big money. It’s reading and literacy focused work, which is the exact kind of thing I want to be doing. There are a dozen people on staff, including me, and they eat lunch together outside when the weather is nice. As far as I can tell, none of them are republicans. And they are as excited about me as I am about them. It’s an amazing feeling.

I don’t know if there’s a lesson here, except that I’m grateful this job found me when it did, because I was feeling ready to give up (again). The job hunt was hard on my ego, and especially so thanks to a brutal winter that ramped up my depression ten-fold. Like I did when I graduated high school and was anxiously preparing to go off to college, I feel like I should be blasting “Shake it Off” by Florence & the Machine and dancing around my bedroom.

This is a short post and I’m glad for it. It’s refreshing to share good news and leave it at that.

Tomorrow is my 23rd birthday. I feel good.


Recommended reading for “This is a Post about Identity”:

“The Glass Essay” by Anne Carson

This is a Post about Peter Pan

I feel inexplicably thirty, and I have for a long time. In reality I’m closer to twenty than I am to thirty, but years of certain comments will age you up mentally.

You’re an old soul.

You’re so mature for your age.

You’re wise beyond your years.

I guess, in a way, those things are kind of true. I had my brain stolen when I was sixteen, then my body at seventeen, and my family at eighteen. That sounds dramatic, I know, but grief wears you down.

Sylvia Plath wrote somewhere, “I feel old, but not very wise.” I concur.

(I can imagine my older readers rolling their eyes a little at this point. I know thirty is young, but when you’re barely breaching adulthood, it feels eons away. It feels like you can’t even imagine who you will be when you’re that age. It’s spooky!)

The prospect of getting older has always struck me dumb with terror. I call it Peter Pan Syndrome. While most of my peers were eager to seem older and be older, growing up has always felt like a punishment to me. Look close enough and you can find a photo of me on almost every birthday where I’m crying. My mom made a whole collage frame full of them for my high school graduation party. In hindsight, that’s undiagnosed anxiety triggered by too much attention on me, but also the great big fear of getting older.

Even from a young age my future always felt uncertain to me. I had a hard time making and keeping friends in grade school, and I worried a lot about how I was supposed to go through puberty and the whole gambit without at least one close pal by my side. But when I found my friend group in middle school, I was still afraid, which was made extra scary because I didn’t know what I was afraid of.

I remember very vividly the one time in my life I wanted desperately to be—or at least seem—older. I was twelve or thirteen years old, spending a lot of time on MySpace, and crushing aggressively on an eighth grader. I filled out a bulletin (remember those?) he posted called “Girlfriend Application” and after the blank for age I think I wrote 14 or 15. Like he couldn’t look in a yearbook and do a quick calculation if he really wanted. It would be my first job rejection. Who’d have thought!

MySpace bulletins also served as public forums to fill out quizzes or answer questions about yourself so that your friends could get to know you better. I remember one quiz I filled out asked whether I was more preppy or punk, and I wrote something like, “punk b*#%h!!!” and my big sister called me out for swearing. (This is a big deal at twelve years old.) I think I told her it was a typo, which, in hindsight, makes me laugh out loud. Later on, my aunt would join MySpace and ask why my profile said I was sixteen, and I’d tell her it was a “glitch”.

All this posturing to appear older, and for what? I think it was equal parts preteen identity crisis and wild, pubescent desire for male attention. I failed miserably at both, which was probably embarrassingly apparent to my close friends watching it all unfold from a distance, although we were all doing the same dumb shit then.

But then my hormones eventually mellowed out and I settled into a standard of existential dread, and here we are today.

Later on, when it came time for me to apply to colleges I had been diagnosed with anxiety and depression for about a year, so the fear kind of made sense. But between financial aid and trying to choose a major and even settling on a campus, I remember weeping to my mom regularly, “I don’t know what to do.”

I picked my university basically at random. In fact, I never even got to take a campus tour because a blizzard stood between home and the tour we were scheduled to go on, and we never rescheduled. The first time I saw my campus was on orientation day, a couple months before move-in. (Pro tip: If you’re someone crippled by anxiety, don’t take this route. It’s dumb and shortsighted and will make you feel like the sky is falling.)

After a couple weeks of debilitating homesickness, I got comfortable enough, and ultimately stayed there through graduation. Even dating in college was a headache at best. I used dating apps like Tinder to meet people, but when it came down to actually meeting in person for a date I backed out, too anxious to actually pursue anything real. The attention was nice, but the prospect of actually engaging in an adult relationship? Nightmarish. The line I got regularly, which had already lost any power it may have had when I was in high school, was, “You’re so mature for your age.” I don’t even know what that means, except that I think it makes older guys feel better about hitting on barely-legal girls.

When I dated a guy I met in my dorm, I liked to imagine what life would be like for us after we graduated and we miraculously settled into our careers. Our relationship was deeply boring—mostly we just made out and watched The Office and sometimes went to parties where he expertly led me away, his hand on the small of my back, when the cops came—and imagining us as Grown-Ups was much more fun. We could move out west and he would be a park ranger! I could write novels in our little cabin in the mountains! We could have a billion dogs! Probably not kids, because he wasn’t really interested in that, but wouldn’t they be so cute if they inherited his curly hair?

The other shoe dropped when my mom and grandma came to pick me up for a weekend at home and, when I asked if he wanted to meet them, he said no. Very un-thirty-ish. So that relationship didn’t last long.

Even my current partner told me once, when we were sitting at a picnic table outside my dorm after class, that I seemed so mature for nineteen. I think he could see something in my eyes because he added quickly, cautiously, “Is that weird to say?” In hindsight, I could kick him for saying that to me, but knowing who he is and who we are together, I understand his meaning was, basically, “Thank god she’s not going to ask me to go to house parties.” We are the same that way, which is why it’s been working out so well. I can imagine us, realistically, in our thirties, because it looks a lot like how we are now, but maybe with some rugrats and a stable job on my end.

I think the best year of my life, so far, was my last year at my university, and so I’m grateful I was able to stick it out, bad dates and clichés and all. That community, once chosen at random, now means the world to me. I hope when I’m really thirty I’m back there starting my family.

The other side of the coin is that I am, really and truly, not your typical early-twenty-something. Sometimes I wish I were thirty so, when my coworkers ask me to go to the bars after work, I could say, “The kids have soccer tonight!” instead of fumbling for some excuse that sounds better than, “No, thanks. I don’t…want to.” My ideal Saturday is spent ping-ponging between antique stores with my partner and maybe grabbing dinner somewhere before we go home and sit on the couch to watch a beloved movie for the fifth time.

I guess this means my brain is thirty—that is, settled into an extremely comfortable, mundane routine—but my body is still twenty-two and appears as though I should be having raucous fun. I don’t want the responsibilities and pressures of thirty, but the illusion of adjusted-ness is appealing. (I don’t think thirty is a magic number where everyone figures their lives out. In fact, I see a trend of people not “figuring things out” until they’re much older, and thirty looks much like eighteen or twenty-five, in the grand scheme of things. Thirty, here, is mostly a symbol. Sub in forty if it makes you more comfortable. Stick with me, here.)

I am a June baby, which means when I graduated high school I was still seventeen and I was the last of my friends who could legally drink in college. In reality, it’s a few months’ difference in age between you and your peers, but being the baby of the group for so long maybe contributed to my fear of growing up.

At the same time, though, I have always been the “Mom Friend”. This means I get tipsy after a single beer and I’ll hold your hair when you puke and tell you to text me when you get home safe and, if we’re lucky and you listen, steer you away from some dumb guy who’s cosmically destined to waste your time and break your heart. I guess this is why I feel like a thirty-year-old baby.

Maybe thirty feels like an anchor. My life, at the moment, is a little tumultuous and uncertain, and so the mysticism of being thirty is that it means maybe things will be more stable. My brain and my spirit are ready for some stability, but the rest of me needs to catch up, because she’s probably secretly afraid of being a real-life grown up. Of having a mortgage. Of having a 401K. Of being stuck in a job she hates. Of finding herself in a job she loves, maybe. Of having a kid! Or two or three!

I suppose when you consider this conflict in me, the desire to make like Peter Pan and fly off to Never Never Land at odds with the desire to Be a Stable Adult, a lot of other stuff makes sense. My penchant for describing policy with Spongebob gifs, serious but still playful, comes back to all this. But certainly I’m not the only one.

Thank goodness I turn 23 this year. Seven years to go!


Recommended reading for “This is a Post about Peter Pan”:

The Hours by Michael Cunningham

Tonight I’m Someone Else: Essays by Chelsea Hodson

The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Fighting the Big Motherfuckin’ Sad by Adam Gnade

This is a Post about My Career

In college I spent nearly three years as a technical writing and editing intern at a software company. I was very well paid and had a lot of responsibility and was deeply miserable, at least for the last year or so. Had I stayed there, I’d have had an all but guaranteed full time job after graduation. That would have been the smart thing to do, but, like I mentioned, I was miserable. So I left.

My last semester of college, I was a social media intern for a printer. I was paid four dollars less an hour than I was at my previous internship, but I was over-the-moon happy. I got to brush elbows with publishers and talk about books every day. I got to watch famous books getting printed on massive machines and get woozy from the smell of ink and chemicals in the plant. I talked ice fishing with the managers in the plant and fell in love with the mesmerizing efficiency of the Timson T-32 web press. My boss let me work from home when the weather was shitty or between classes and brought me soup at my desk when I was sick.

I started applying for jobs in March of 2018 in anticipation of my graduation in May. I had a few phone interviews—one with a publisher in Chicago I’d connected with through my internship—and my future was spread out before me with seemingly endless options (I’d insert the fig tree passage from The Bell Jar here but if you know me you know I’ve already beaten that one to death.) Maybe too many, honestly.

My degree is in English, and my heart is in publishing. The heart of publishing is in New York, but there are small presses in the Midwest doing neat stuff and I’d rather die than move to New York. So when it became clear that the job in Chicago was not going to work out, and my partner and I solidified our plans to live together, we had to narrow down locations for the job hunt. We settled on the Twin Cities.

There are a handful of indie presses in Minneapolis, including Graywolf and Coffee House Press and Milkweed Editions, which publish beautiful books and nurture a vibrant literary scene committed to diversity and inclusivity. They are indie presses, so their staffs are small. What I’m getting at, reader, is that none of them have hired me yet, despite my brilliance. More on that later.

After I graduated I decided to move home to save money—although I’d end up paying rent at my place in my college town through the summer—and had a hodgepodge of jobs that mostly kept me afloat. First, my boss from the printer offered me the opportunity to continue my social media job as a freelancer, just through the summer, while I looked for a full time job and they looked for their next intern. Second, a professor and mentor signed me on in an unofficial capacity to continue my work with the press at my university; I helped with a few projects here and there and got to keep my foot in the door of the small press industry. It’s not a paying gig, but it feeds my soul and I’m happy they’ve decided to keep me around. Finally, I picked up where I’d left off at the funeral home—I’ll write more on that another time—as office assistant for my aunt Pam and her team.

Admittedly, I spent very little time working and a lot of time poolside with the dog, applying for jobs in and around the Twin Cities while my partner applied and interviewed for teaching jobs in the area. By the end of July he’d accepted a job offer and we began to earnestly look for somewhere to live. We found a great apartment, signed the lease, and were set to move in at the end of August.

The first week at our new place, I had an interview for a job that would turn out to be a horrible fit. I continued applying and interviewing and freelancing for the printer until they cut me loose in September. While we waited for my partner’s first paycheck to direct deposit we lived mostly on salsa made from tomatoes and peppers from my mom’s garden. With no income, I got more desperate with my applications and things were getting bleak. How had we moved to one of the biggest metropolitan areas in the country and still I couldn’t find a job? I wasn’t even looking in my field anymore, because those jobs were limited at best.

As of right now, I’ve been on the job hunt for over a year. I’ve turned down one offer. Reader, it fucking sucks.

I work in retail now, which I’d never done before, and it fucking sucks. I like the people I work with. They’re kind and funny and make an interesting cast of characters in the stories I tell my partner and friends. But it’s retail, and I have a degree, and it makes me feel like shit. (And knowing that deep down I think me and my degree are “above” working retail also makes me feel like shit, believe me.)

Once, my partner’s boss, the principal at his school, came into the store and I spent an hour dodging behind racks of clothes while she browsed so she wouldn’t see me. Once in a while I’ll see his students shopping and have the same reaction. I know there’s no shame in working to pay your bills. I know that, degree or not, labor has value, but that value doesn’t have a direct relation to the person doing the labor. I know all these things, but seeing people who maybe have a different idea about me when I’m wearing my nametag and folding underwear makes me want to disappear. I guess I’m not afraid that they’ll think less of me for working retail, but that they’ll feel bad for me, because they know I have a degree and ambitions that more directly align with a cubicle than a checkout lane. I kind of want them to feel bad for me, because I feel bad for me.

Even on days when I don’t mind my job, I am reminded of the tiny ways in which capitalism still manages to make it miserable. For example, during my interview, I was told in hushed tones that the starting wage would likely go up to fifteen dollars an hour within the next year or two. That’s on trend with a lot of states, so I wasn’t really surprised. There wasn’t much more talk about it until recently, as we began implementing new practices determined by the corporate office.

These new practices were introduced with the tease of that raise to fifteen dollars an hour and the suggestion that a higher wage will mean more responsibility.

Sure, if you get a non-performance-based raise in an office job, it typically means your position is changing, along with your responsibilities. But our jobs aren’t changing, even if the way we do our jobs is a little different. The wage is being raised to fifteen dollars an hour because that’s a living wage these days. We’re not being rewarded for hard work; this is a response to the economy we’re living in. But this raise is being dangled like a carrot in front of our noses so that we are led to believe that’s not the case. And that makes me want to puke. Nobody is sacrificing so that we may eventually make a living wage. It’s not something we should be made to think we must work harder to earn, because making a living wage for your labor is a right, not a privilege.

I guess at least I’m familiar enough with corporate condescension and can recognize it in the wild? Gag me. My coworkers are mostly adults, and they deserve better than being made to feel like they’re not earning their keep, even if it doesn’t bother them as much as it does me.

I haven’t worked in an office in a year but am still feeling those same middle-management irritations. In moments where my motivation to apply to other jobs stagnates, I’m reminded of this attitude and kick it back into high gear.

Interning at a software company, in a corporate environment, turned me off such employment forever. The more experience I got, the more responsibility was piled on. This makes sense, right? Except that I was doing more work than most of the full time employees in my department within the confines of 20 hour weeks, and with no benefits. For a long time I thrived off that responsibility and knowing that I was good at my job. But middle management—or, rather, mismanagement—made it impossible for the pros to outweigh the cons. And now I’m getting the same bullshit at a place where my greatest responsibility is marking down men’s underwear? C’mon.

When I get really depressed about not having a “real” job, I consider what it would be like if I’d have stuck it out with that software company and gotten my guaranteed job offer. I would have health insurance, and regular hours with weekends off. I would spend my days at a desk instead of on my feet. I would still get to hang out with the friends I made there, and I would enjoy yearly bonuses. My partner would get to teach and keep living near his home and his family. I would be closer to my family.

On the flip-side, I would also, undoubtedly, be even more miserable than before. I would be getting underpaid—although interns were paid handsomely, full time employees in that role are pitifully compensated, well below the industry standard—to do more work than most of my peers and have little room for growth. I would be working in my field, but on mind-numbing technical documentation rather than interesting or inspiring or weird stories. I would still be mostly without a creative outlet.

It doesn’t really help me at all to wonder “what-if?” I didn’t stick around because I wasn’t happy, and applying for a job there now would feel like defeat after leaving on not-great terms. I don’t think a meager benefits package would make me feel better.

In a way I’m hoping this blog will help fill in the gaps. I have a semi-creative outlet, I’m keeping up on my writing skills—debatable, you may be thinking—and if I’m as lucky as a thousand mommy bloggers in Utah, someday I can monetize this.

In five to ten years it’s possible that the press I worked with at my university will have the funds to make me a full-time paid fixture. That hope keeps me going most of the time. It would mean moving back to central Wisconsin where we’re closer to our families and the community we love so much. But five to ten years is a long time, and clinging to that very narrow hope is dangerous.

I want to work in publishing, but really I want to do anything that means creating. I want to work with people whose lives are totally different than mine, who have a unique story to tell, and who want to make the world a better place to be a person. Most of the jobs I apply to now are in corporate offices, which make me want to throw up, but it’s something, right? It’s an increased income with benefits so that I can springboard—a nasty, corporate word—into something more rewarding and less soul-sucking. But I can’t even do that. Just writing about it is bumming me out.

I know I am smart and talented and hardworking, and I am just waiting impatiently for anyone to say, “Alright, let’s give her a shot.” My main consolation when I get passed up for jobs is that at least it means I am surrounded by people who are extremely talented and someday I might get to work with them.

All this grumbling comes with the crushing reminder that I am very, very privileged and things could be much worse. I am healthy! I have a strong support system! I am college educated! I eat three meals a day! I have a job! My herbs are starting to sprout! Quit your whining, dummy!!!

My life is good, but it is hard sometimes. Feeling professionally unfulfilled has intensified my depression, which was worsened by a nasty winter. Something will come up eventually—I know that. But the wait sure is a bitch.
